Abstract Submission

Required fields are marked with *


By submitting abstracts to the CNS Annual Conference, and upon official acceptance, authors authorize permission to reproduce their abstract in the conference syllabus, APNM, and on the CNS Annual Conference website/in the Conference virtual poster expo.

Please note: *Presenting author and supervisor MUST be members of CNS in good standing in order to be considered for any awards (where applicable). Students MUST indicate their current degree program to be considered for any awards.

PRESENTING AUTHOR - Mandatory Contact Information

Please provide your contact information at your primary affiliation (do not use your home address).

The presenting author is listed as the first author of the abstract. You will be asked to provide the names of the co-authors after you enter the Presenting Author information. Note: Complete affiliation for co-authors must be provided.

First name: *
Last name: *
Preferred Salutation: *
Address: *
City: *
Province / State: *
Postal / ZIP Code: *
Country: *
Telephone: *
Email: *

Primary Affiliation

Department: *
University: *

Mandatory Information about the Presenting Author

What is your highest degree ACHIEVED?: *

Are you a ..? (Check all that apply): *

If you are a Student/Trainee what is your current program? Students MUST indicate their CURRENT degree program to be considered for any awards. *


Please enter the co-authors in the order that they should appear in the APNM journal publication. Affiliations must be completed in full for co-authors.


Only capitalize the first word in the abstract title other than proper nouns.



350 words remaining



To be considered for abstract awards, students must enter the competition at the time of abstract submission and must indicate on this form which award(s) they wish to be considered for.


  • These competitions are open to graduate students, post-degree dietetic interns, or medical residents. Authors already holding a PhD degree are not eligible.
  • Applicants must be willing to present (oral or poster presentation) their work at the conference.
  • Both the applicant and his/her supervisor must be current members in good standing with the CNS at the time of submission to be eligible.
  • If you do not wish to be considered for any abstract award competitions, your abstract will only be considered for poster presentation at the conference.

Do you wish for your abstract to be considered for any of the following awards? (Check all that apply):

Please note: These competitions are open to graduate students, post-degree dietetic interns, or medical residents; authors already holding a PhD degree are NOT eligible.

Click on award titles for descriptions.

Late Breaking Abstracts, submitted after Jan. 31, 2021 11:59pm ET, will NOT be considered for Awards.

Note that all abstracts, whether the author chooses/does not choose any of the above awards, will all be considered for Poster Awards at the CNS Annual Conference.

Presentations during Conference Symposia Sessions

In addition to the award competitions listed above, some abstracts may be selected by session chairs for oral presentations during conference concurrent sessions. Abstracts are typically chosen if the topic is deemed relevant to the session.

Would you be willing to give an oral presentation at the CNS Annual Conference?



Before you submit your abstract please make sure you have read this checklist.

Please pay careful attention to the checklist. Abstracts that do not adhere to the required abstract format may be returned to the author for resubmission (subject to an additional fee).

Funding Received? (If yes, and funding has been received, this must be included within your abstract 350 word limit.)



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Each submitted abstract is subject to a fee of $35.00 (+ TAX) - non-refundable

Subtotal: $35.00
Tax: $0
Total: $39.55
Card Number: *
CVC: *
Expiration (MM/YYYY): * /
